
    From Vorticism to Impersonality Theory: A Contrastive Study of Poetics Between Ezra Pound and T S Eliot

    • 摘要: 庞德与艾略特是20世纪初意象派诗歌的代表人物,庞德对艾略特早期的诗歌创作有较大的影响,但之后两人形成了不同的诗学思想体系。通过比较分析两者的诗学理论和作品,发现庞德崇尚简约典雅的意象,强调以赋格的形式组织诗篇,以漩涡式的主题统摄诗歌,并追求东方式的诗歌境界。而艾略特的非个性化理论则深受法国象征主义影响,提出以客观对应物融合感受和思想,通过物像构成复杂的象征体系,以情感逃避的方式体现人类普遍情感。面对破碎的现实世界,两者都试图在诗歌中重塑艺术的一致性。


      Abstract: Both Ezra Pound and T.S.Eliot are representatives of the imagist poetry at the beginning of 20' century.With Pound's impact on Eliot's early composition,they have finally formed diverse poetics systems.A contrastive analysis of their poetics and poems is conducted to reveal dissimilarities between them.Pound,in favor of concise and graceful images,emphasizes the governing theme of a poem as a vortex and the construction of poetry in the form of Fugue,so as to approach the oriental poetry spirit.In a contrast,T.S.Eliot's impersonality,deeply affected by French Symbolism,tends to integrate thought and sensibility into the objective correlative,and endeavors to formulate complicated symbolic systems constituted by object images to express the universal emotion of humanity by constraining the subjective convey of emotion.In a chaotic world,both Pound and Eliot attempt to reshape the consistency of arts.


