
    Purchasing Skills and Its Development Based on Strategic Purchasing

    • 摘要: 为研究采购技能对战略采购的重要性,从战略采购的角度,对采购技能的重要性、变化发展和表现形式进行了理论回顾和综述,将采购技能划分为外延采购技能和内涵采购技能两大类,随着战略采购的增强,采购技能水平也应提高。提出企业可通过培训、再招聘和培养文化氛围的方式来开发采购技能的建议。


      Abstract: For researching into the importance of purchasing skills to the strategic purchasing,the paper reviews and summaries the importance,development and representation of the purchasing skills from the point view of the strategic purchasing,and divides them into two types;outbound and inbound.The purchasing skills should be improved as the strengthening of the strategic purchasing.The paper also gives a suggestion of how to develop strategic skills from training,recruiting and cultivating culture atmosphere for the enterprise.


