
    Comparison on Lu Xun and Yu Dafu's Novels about Modernity Character

    • 摘要: 以比较对照的方式探讨了鲁迅、郁达夫小说创作的现代性品格。他们2人作为"五四"时期的主要作家,分别为中国新文学贡献了一系列具有经典意义的作品。较之传统民族小说。他们的小说在思想内容、叙事方式、审美取向等方面均有了显著的现代性变化,集中体现了中国民族小说由传统到现代的独特进路及文脉基因。


      Abstract: By comparison this article discusses the modernity character of Lu Xun and Yu Dafu's novels. As the most important leading writers of "May 4th" period, Lu Xun and Yu Dafu contributed a series of classical works to the Chinese new-vernacular literature respectively. Compared with the traditional Chinese novels, their novels bear remarkable modern changes in content, way of narration, esthetic orientation and many other aspects, which manifest the unique approach and context gene of Chinese nationality novel in its process from tradition to modernity.


