The Application Study on Special Items Within Current VC Contracts
摘要: 对在国内现行适用的法律框架范围内,如何应用契约来保障创投机构的权益进行了研究。尝试从投资契约的角度出发,借鉴国外创业投资股东权益保障的方式方法,结合北京高新技术创业投资公司5年来的运作实践,探讨了契约在创业投资运作过程中的应用,以期推动我国当前创业投资的发展。Abstract: This paper presents a reseach on how to take advantage of contract to insure the rights and interests of the venture capital organizations,actuating the positive circulation of their capital and sustainable development within current legal mechanism in China.It also introduces the general way taken by current venture captial organizations abroad to establish some special items in the investment contracts to insure their rights and interests.On the basis of the practical working experience in Beijing High Technology Venture Capital Company,the author attempts to give a research on how to take advantage of contract among venture capital procedure,hoping it will benefit the development of current venture capital in China.