
    On Determination of Agricultural Land Ownership and Protecting the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Farmers

    • 摘要: 科学的厘定农地产权是保护农民合法权益的根本前提。文章分析了当前我国农地产权存在的农地所有权主体虚位、农地使用权不完整与不稳定、农地转让权界定不明晰等主要问题,指出重新确认农民的所有权主体地位、健全符合市场经济需要的新型权力制衡机制、健全农地征收收益分配机制是保护农民合法权益的根本对策。


      Abstract: Determining agricultural land ownership is a fundamental prerequisite for the legitimate rights and interests of farmers. The article analyzed some important issues attracting wide attention at present in China such as the absence of property ownership of agricultural land, incomplete and instability of agricultural land use rights, the vague definition for the right to transfer agricultural land , pointing out that it is a fundamental way out to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the peasants through such measures as derecognizing the farmers status as land owner, improving the balancing mechanism of power that should be in line with the requirement of market economy , improving the distributing mechanism for the income out of the taxation of the form land.


