
    Belt and Road Initiative and Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Strategy Theory

    • 摘要: “一带一路”是开放的、多元的、共赢的,同时其建设也面临着复杂的国际环境的考验,这些需要习近平外交战略思想的宏观指导。习近平的外交战略思想具有很强的前瞻性和针对性,包含国际角色、周边外交、义利观、总体安全观、文明互鉴观、共同发展观等新思路、新观念、新论断。这些战略思想与“一带一路”建设紧密相连,需要人们系统地分析和整体地把握。


      Abstract: The belt and road initiative is open, diverse and win-win, which should be built facing complex international condition. This needs to be guided by Xi Jinping's diplomatic strategic theory. Xi Jinping's diplomatic strategic theory has foresight and targeted, which includes new ideas, new concept, new judgments such as the international role, neighboring countries' diplomacy, view of justice and benefit, overall national security concept, mutual learning of civilization, common development view. Those strategic thoughts have connected each other with the belt and road initiative, and also need systematic analysis and overall judgment.


