
    On Embodiment of Traditional Ethics in Luxun's Narrative of Short Stories

    • 摘要: 在理性伦理层面,鲁迅执著地批判和反抗传统伦理,但在小说叙事伦理中却对传统伦理的诸多方面有所担待,并且充满着不可排遣的紧张冲突,这既是思想、文化转型时代普遍人心秩序的反映,更是鲁迅个体伦理困惑的体现。


      Abstract: Despite his clinging criticism and revolt on Chinese traditional ethic rationally on one hand, Luxun expressed himself now and then his forgivingness and concession somewhat on them in his narratives in his short stories on the other. This inside tension and confliction can be seen everywhere in his short stories, reflecting not only the common ethos of the transitional time, but also Luxun's wildering individully at that time.


