
    Preliminary Explanation on the Study of Verve About Chinese Classical Prose

    • 摘要: 在古典文学研究中,相对于诗词研究,散文研究则滞后了许多。究其因,缺乏一种有效可行的方法为之一。古人即有“知人论世”之说,这于散文研究也当是重要一途。文为人之气,因而以“气”论文当是知人论文的重要一途。文章力图在这一方面有所阐释,即从“气”的意义溯源,论其与人的精神风貌的初步结合,进而追及以“气”论文的源起、发展,最后以唐宋为例,述及影响文气的一些主客观因素。


      Abstract: In the study of classical literature, there is fewer study on prose compared with those on poetry, the reason of this, in my view, is lacking of an effective and feasible method. As it is known, the ancients hold a point of "to view the world by understanding people first". And in similar way, one's writing can also be understood by the verve of the writer, which is obviously an important way.


