Perfection of the System of Law Interpretation in Our Country
摘要: 针对我国现行的法律解释体系中存在的问题与不足进行了研究,指出解决问题和不足的关键不在对现行的法律解释体系作细枝末节的修理,而在于对其进行重新架构,并且认为这一架构的重中之重是对立法解释、司法解释的地位与作用进行重新定位,以使整个法律解释体系和谐,从而推进我国社会主义法治建设进程。Abstract: There are many problems and shortcomings in the current system of law interpretation. Slightly emending the current system of law interpretation cannot thoroughly resolve the problems and cannot obviously improve the shortcomings. It is necessary to reconstruct the current system of law interpretation. During the course of the reconstruction, the main point is to relocate the statue and the function of the legislative interpretation and judiciary interpretation. The purpose of such reconstruction is to harmonize the whole system of law interpretation and then to advance the process of the construction of socialist law-governing.