The Study of the Countryside Complex of Cao Ming's Industrial Fictions
摘要: 20世纪四五十年代中国工业题材小说普遍存在着的创作主体的乡村意识左右着小说的艺术向度之倾向,草明是其中最有代表性的,其作品中乡村话语的渗透和沉淀决定了工业小说共同的必然命运:具有一种摆脱不掉的乡村情结。从人物的文化心理和情爱模式都集中反映了这一明显的主观倾向和价值特征。思想现代化并没有与工业现代化同步,与土地过于黏着的富于古典情感的人们在感到价值失落的同时,也产生了心理世界的失衡。Abstract: The industrial fictions in 1940s and 1950s display an inclination,that is,the village complex of writers control aesthetic tendency of the fictions.Cao Ming's works are very typical instances.This determines the common inevitable fate of the industrial fiction: the cultural mind and affection of characters are based on the village principle.They experienced a loss of identity while giving up their traditional life style.