Research on Upgrading the Teaching Content of the Information Literacy for University Students
摘要: 针对当前大学生网络应用水平日益提高的现状,认为高校信息素养课程教学内容存在亟须优化的问题。以福建省部分高校学生为调研对象,通过分析“大学生信息素养现状调查问卷”,探讨了信息素养课程教学的核心内容;通过分析“教学效果评价问卷”,了解课程教学内容的有效性。基于调查结果的显著性差异比较,认为信息素养课程应突出信息获取能力和信息分析能力的培养,注重拓展信息安全、信息道德与信息利用相关领域的知识。Abstract: As university students nowadays are getting better and better in utilizing internet,there is an urgent need to upgrade the teaching content of the information literacy courses in universities.The research is based on the university students in Fujian Province,exploring the core content of information education through questionnaire of the students' information literacy and testing the effectiveness of the teaching content through the questionnaire of the teaching evaluation.By the difference comparison based on the results of the investigation,information literacy courses should be focused more on building students' capabilities for how to get access to information and how to analyze them.Another issue enlightened by this investigation is that we shall expand the knowledge about information security,information morality and information utilization.