On the Similar Ideological Characteristics of the Various Schools of Thought and Their Exponents in Pre-Qin Times
摘要: 先秦诸子百家虽然流派众多,各家思想主张颇为复杂,但通过对文献资料的考察,仍可清晰地发现各家学说有着一些相近的特色。这主要体现在3个方面,即以政治为中心建构其理论体系,在学术上有一定的排他倾向,在论证学说的过程中表现出一定的“托古”心态。这些特征的形成与诸子学说继承的文化遗产,即西周王朝的贵族文化的垄断形式——王官之学是有一定联系的。Abstract: Though the ideologies of the vanous schools of thought and their exponents it; Pre-Qin times are very complicated, the similar ideological characteristics are clearly found by investigating the relevant documents. It embodies three concrete features: establishing their theoretical systems by getting to the heart of politics, exclusive tendency in the sphere of learning and psychology of restoring the ancients in the course of proving their theories. The emerging of these ideological features relates to the cultural heritage in the Western Zhou Dynasty, i.e. learning of officials of Imperial Court as a kind of cultural monopoly form of aristocrat.