
    Research on the Difficulties and the Solution of the County-level E-government

    • 摘要: 县级电子政务是国家电子政务体系的纽带,服务性与公众性突出,具体事务复杂多样。由于受资金投入有限、技术人才缺乏、资源共享欠缺、服务能力较弱和建设环境较差等制约因素的影响,现阶段县级电子政务建设仍面临着一些现实困境。科学审视当前发展中的制约因素,融入市场、培养人才、整合资源、升级服务、优化环境已成为当前县级电子政务走出困境、谋求可持续发展的有效路径。


      Abstract: County-level e-government is the bond of national e-government system and its service and public nature is evident;also the affairs are complicated and varied.Due to the limited funding,the lack of technical personnel and the resources sharing,the weak service ability and the poor environment,the county-level e-government is still in difficulties.The only solution to help the county-level e-government to get rid of the difficulties and pursue the sustainable development is to examine the constraints scientifically,fit into the market, train men for profession,integrate the resources,strengthen the services and improve the environment.


