
    Research Progress on Career Plateau in Western Countries

    • 摘要: 职业高原是员工在当前组织中处于职业生涯顶峰、难以得到继续发展的状态。对职业高原的研究,能够合理地解释员工对组织的情感承诺、职业心理和工作投入等各方面的变化,有利于提高组织的人力资源管理水平。文章运用理论述评的方法,对西方职业高原现象的研究进行了系统的梳理,简要评述了当前研究中存在的不足,认为将来的研究趋势应该注重职业高原的形成过程和量化研究。


      Abstract: Career plateau describes an individual' s current status inside a given organization, in which employees find themselves difficult to develop further. The research on career plateau can explain the change of employees' promise to organization, career psychology, work involvement and so on, helpful to raise the human resource management This paper reviews the research results in western countries, commenting on the strength and the failure, proposing that the future research should be focused on the process of the formation with the quantitative analysis.


