
    Analysis of Regulations of FDI in China

    • 摘要: 针对外商在华投资(FDI)给中国经济带来的双重影响以及如何提高外资的利用效率等实际问题,在分析了政府规制的理论依据和中国的现实依据的基础上,对中国引入FDI规制问题的具体内容进行了探讨,提出了需对国内投资软硬环境进行相应完善的建议。


      Abstract: In allusion to the problems about the dual influences of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on China's economy and the problems of how to improve the efficiency of utilizing FDI, this article investigates the detailed content of the regulation of the introduction of FDI in China, and brings corresponding suggestions of how to perfect the soft and hard investment climate on the basis of analysis of theoretic and realistic reasons about the regulation system.


