
    Translational Ethics Reflected in Bian Zhilin's English Translation of His Own Poems

    • 摘要: 卞之琳将自己的诗歌翻译成英文的过程所遵从的翻译伦理与其在英诗汉译过程中所遵从的翻译伦理不一样。英诗汉译过程中,其遵从翻译的再现伦理,不仅再现英文诗歌的内容,还能再现英文诗歌的形式;自译过程中,其遵从广义的翻译规范伦理,译文虽再现了汉语新诗的内容,却没有完全再现汉语新诗的形式。在诗歌意象传达方面,其译文传达了原诗的意象所指,却没有保留这些意象原有的表现方式;在格律和韵律的传达方面,其译文保留了原诗的诗行数目、跨行方式,却没有保留原诗的节奏和押韵方式。指出20世纪30年代中国文化在世界文化中的弱势话语地位,是导致卞之琳在自译过程中践行广义的翻译规范伦理的主要原因。


      Abstract: The translational ethics reflected in Bian Zhilin's English translation of his own poems is different from that reflected in his Chinese translation of English poems.In the process of translating English poems into Chinese,Bian Zhilin follows translational ethics of representation and represents in the target text not only the content but also the formal characteristics of the original poem.In the process of translating his own Chinese modern poems into English,Bian Zhilin follows norm-based ethics of translation of broad sense and represents in the target text the content and some(not all) the formal features of the original poem.As for transmitting the images portrayed in the original poem,he retains in the target text the exact referents of the images but not the original methods by which these images are portrayed.As for transmitting the rhythm and rhyme used in the original poem,he represents in the target text the original line-number and the original way of line-changing,but not the original rhythm and the original rhyme.The major reason that leads to norm-based translational ethics of broad sense reflected in Bian Zhilin's English translation of his own poems is the subordinate role that Chinese literature played in the realm of world literature in 1930s.


