On the Legal Status of Sponsors of Security Investment Funds
摘要: 证券投资基金的发起人是负责组建证券投资基金的人,在基金设立阶段发挥着至关重要的作用。文章在分析研究的基础上,肯定了发起人是基金法律关系主体的法律地位,详细阐述了发起人的资格、权利与义务,并就解决因发起人法律地位问题引发的理论问题提出了建设性的立法建议。Abstract: Sponsors of security investment funds are those who are in charge of the establishment of the funds and play important roles in its earliest period. Through research and analysis, the essay affirms that sponsors are the legal subjects of the legal relations of security investment funds, elaborates sponsors' qualification, rights and duties, and sets forth the legislative suggestion on solving the theoretical problems about the legal status of the sponsors.