Rethinking the Concept of"One Country,Two Systems"to Solve Taiwan Question
摘要: 台湾问题不仅是中国内战的遗留问题,而且是国际冷战的遗留问题,其性质具有复杂的双重性。忽视台湾问题的双重性,必然造成制定对台政策上的某种偏差,不利于在反“台独”斗争中争取主动权。“一国两制”构想运用于解决台湾问题的成效,取决于人们对台湾问题性质的正确认定,并以此为基础制定出相应的对策,而这些对策必须建立在对决定台湾问题性质的诸种要素的正确估价之上。Abstract: Taiwan question is not only an question left over from China's civil war,but an international legacy of the cold war.Its nature implicates complex duality.Overlooking such complex duality of Taiwan question will inevitably result in a certain deviation in the policy development involved in Taiwan question,and is not conducive to win the initiative against"Taiwan Independence".The concept of"One Country,Two Systems"applied to resolve Taiwan question will see its effectiveness depending on the correct identification of Taiwan question's nature based on which appropriate countermeasures can be developed. Therefore,the said countermeasures should be developed based on the correct valuation of various kinds of elements determining the nature of Taiwan question.