On Critique and Transcendence of Traditional Ethics by the Ethical Viewpoints of Post-modernism
摘要: 后现代主义对西方自古希腊以来的传统伦理学理论,包括主体性道德观、理性主义伦理学以及本质主义、基础主义、中心主义伦理观都展开了猛烈批判,文章试图在这种彻底的批判中实现对传统伦理学的超越,从而达到一种无主体、非理性、不确定、无基础、相对化的伦理境界.Abstract: This article holds that post-modernism launched a fierce critique to western traditional ethics since ancient Greece including moral viewpoint of subjectivity,rational ethics and ethical viewpoint of essentialism,foundationalism,and centralism.It strives to transcend traditional ethics by such thorough critique,so as to realize an ethical state of non-subject,de-rationalization,uncertainty,non-foundation and relativity.