
    On Deng Xiaoping's Art of Disposal of Contradiction

    • 摘要: 邓小平处理矛盾的艺术可以集中概括为“和而不同”,“和而不同”思想是涵盖邓小平理论诸多领域的重要思想。其根植于中国传统文化观念,也得益于马克思主义的唯物辩证法,具有诚恳的包容性,明确的指向性,坚定的原则性和鲜明的务实性等特征。在当今矛盾错综复杂的社会转型时期,深入理解、把握并继续贯彻这一光辉思想仍具有极其重要的现实意义。


      Abstract: Deng Xiaoping's art of disposal of contradiction can be generalized as the thought of "differences in consensus", which covers many fields of Deng Xiaoping's theory. The thought is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture, and draws nutrition from materialist dialectics as well. It has such characteristics as sincere forgiveness, indicativeness, and obvious orientation of principle and reality. It is still of vital significance to comprehend, master and implement this act of thought in today' s transitional period when the whole society is undergoing a series of sophisticated changes.


