
    Discussion on the Letters and Calls from the People in the Process of Social Building

    • 摘要: 针对当前我国经济社会发展的战略机遇期和社会矛盾凸显的现实,指出信访工作作为社会建设与社会管理的基础性工作,担负着繁重艰巨的任务。探讨了新时期信访工作的新特点、新要求,提出了信访工作科学化、学科化、专业化和数字化的理念。


      Abstract: Nowadays, China is undergoing the important period of the strategic opportunities of social economy, which is filled with social conflicts. As the foundation of the harmonious society, great importance is attached to the work of the letters and calls from the people. The new features and requirements of the work are discussed in the paper and the work will be undertaken with the scientific, institutionalized, professional and digital features.


