
    Literati Painting and Beijing School Writers: Taking Shen Congwen, Wang Zengqi and Ling Shuhua for Example

    • 摘要: 以文本细读方法,分析沈从文、汪曾祺、凌叔华文学作品中的文人画画境追求与其士大夫的审美趣味,其具体表现在:对自然山水的向往与描摹,精神气质上体现文人士大夫的思想追求;空间并置与留自的叙事手法,黑、白、灰淡雅的水墨着色,传神的人物刻画在创作手法上体现对文人画绘画技法的借鉴;空灵静谧的画面感在美学追求上体现文人画的审美追求等。对文人画的精神与技法上的借鉴,使作家的小说呈现出别样的美学风格,开拓了现代小说的表现手法。


      Abstract: This paper analyzes the literati painting pursuit and literati aesthetic taste in the works written by Shen Congwen,Wang Zengqi,Ling Shuhua through a close reading.The descriptive details are:yearning and description of the natural landscape,the spirit and temperament of the literati mind;the spatial juxtaposition and space narrative,the ink color of the black,white,and grey,the vivid characterization with the reference of the literati painting techniques;ethereal quiet picture reflecting the literati painting aesthetic pursuit.With the references of the literati painting spirit and techniques,the novel presents the different aesthetic styles,and develops the modem novel style.


