
    Several Views About Boycotting Alienated Consumption and Promoting Low-carbon Consumption

    • 摘要: 异化消费理论由新马克思主义学派提出,主要表现为广告消费、一次性消费和独我消费,对当今社会的经济、政治和价值观念有诸多危害。面对异化消费现象及气候变化与环境污染现状,人们提出了低碳消费理念。低碳消费对当今国际经济、政治、文化生态、国际格局的重组及和谐世界的构建具有重大的现实意义。


      Abstract: Alienated consumption theory is proposed by the neo-Marxism school,and it manifests as advertisement consumption,one-off consumption and self consumption,which will do harm to the economic,political and value ideas in contemporary society.Facing to these alienated consumption phenomenon,climate changes and environment pollution,human beings propose the low-carbon consumption idea.Carrying out the low-carbon consumption has great practical significance in restructuring the pattern of the international economy, politics,cultures,and in constructing the harmonious world.


