
    "Text" and Its Characters in the Horizon of Philosophical Hermeneutics:The Analysis on Gadamer's "Text"

    • 摘要: 哲学诠释学视域中的"文本"具有不同于一般文本的特性:在文本的所指上,伽达默尔的文本指的是最初写成的东西,它产生于理解的受阻,并因理解的可能性和效果的不同而具有不同层次的划分;就文本的特征来讲,伽达默尔的文本作为一个哲学诠释学的概念,具有本体论意义,文本不再是主体的客观对象,而是理解过程中的一个阶段,其存在于和读者的历史对话中,对其理解的最终意义是应用于自身。


      Abstract: Different from the ordinary text, Gadamer's " text" has its own characters: As to the definition, Gadamer's text is something written originally. It comes to us when we can't understand it completely, and it was classified into three levels according to the different possibility and the quality of understanding. In terms of text's characters, Gadamer's text is a hermeneutic concept. It is based on the ontology and is a phase of the process of understanding, but not the pure object of subject. It exists in the historical dialogues with readers. The final purpose of understanding the text is the proper application to oneself.


