ON Human Capital and Ownership of Firm
摘要: 企业作为人力资本与物质资本组成的一个特别合约,人力资本是否应该以及在多大程度上分享企业所有权是当前学术理论界讨论的焦点。文章侧重分析了人力资本所有者获得企业所有权的客观因素。这些客观因素主要是:人力资本与其载体的不可分离性;人力资本价值显现的动态性;人力资本的专用性与专有性以及人力资本的团队特征,认为人力资本的上述特征在客观上决定了其获得企业的所有权。Abstract: Firm is a contract composed of human capital and material capital. Whether human capital should share the ownership of a firm and how much it should share has become the discussed issue of present academic circle. This paper lays stress on analyzing the objective of human capital owner's obtaining the ownership of a firm.