
    Analysis of Shama in A House for Mr. Biswas From a Feminist Perspective

    • 摘要: 从女性主义视角分析了奈保尔的代表作品《毕司沃斯先生的房子》中的莎玛这一女性人物形象。莎玛是一位典型的传统的印度教妇女,生活中受到种种压迫。她试图通过一些途径来反抗并寻求出路。但是由于男权社会的压制,她的反抗只是徒劳的,最终也无法获得独立;与非离散的女性相比,莎玛没有可以依靠的人,她的家族分崩离析,她的丈夫只是个毫无优点的反英雄式的角色。莎玛所代表的离散的女性处于一种无依无靠、濒临绝望的生存状态。


      Abstract: The paper analyzes Shama in A House for Mr. Biswas from a feminist perspective. Superficially Shama is a typically traditional Hindu woman,but what are concealed are the various oppressions she is subjected to. Shama tries to resist and find a way out,but the rigid oppressions of the patriarchal society make all her efforts futile. She is suffering more than those non-diasporic women in that she can seek help from nobody. The house she was born into is disintegrating while her husband is a good-for-nothing antihero. Shama,and the many diasporic women are thus left in a helpless despair.


