System and System Science
摘要: 对制度科学进行了研究,分析了制度对社会运行、社会发展的作用,探讨了创建制度科学理由,设想了制度科学的研究主题所涉及的7个方面的基本内容,包括制度形态与结构、制度功能、制度创新,制度关系,制度执行、制度评价及制度文明。Abstract: The system science in the society is mainly studied on in this paper.The author analyzed the function of the system to the development and the operation of the society, discussed the reasons why system science must be established,and finally defined the followings as the basic contents of the system science including the formation,the framework, functions,innovations,relationships,executions,evaluations,and the civilization of the system.