
    The Philosophical Thinking of the Agriculture-related Problems Solving of the Party and its Practical Response

    • 摘要: 中国共产党自成立开始就研究涉农问题,在不同的阶段运用相应的策略灵活处理涉农问题。党对涉农问题的认识,由“农民是革命的主力军”,到“农业为工业发展服务”,到“农村经济体制改革”,再到科学发展观视野下的“统筹城乡、和谐发展”的变化,经历了从强调阶级、部门、制度再到人的过程,关注点由物到人、由群体到个体,反映了由革命战争到和平发展的历史条件的变化,展示了我党对涉农问题的认识随着实践变化而不断深化、不断成熟的过程,反映了党善于运用辩证法,坚持实践观、群众观、真理观的马克思主义哲学思维。


      Abstract: The Communist Party of China began to study the agriculture-related issues and flexibly the applied the corresponding policies in the different stages since it was established in 1921.From farmers being the main force of the revolution to giving priority to the development of heavy industry,then to the rural economic reform and urban and rural harmonious development in the view of the scientific development,Our Party's understanding of the agriculture-related issues went through an extraordinary process of the emphasis on class,department,system,and then to people,and it paid close attention to the point from the matter to the people,from the group to the individual.It reflected the time changing from the revolutionary war to peace,and the process of our Party's awareness continues deepening and maturing with the practical changing situation and indicating the Party's Marxist philosophical thinking of using dialectics and adhering to the ideas of practice,masses,and the truth.


