
    China's Aging Process and Some Misunderstandings on It

    • 摘要: 运用文献研究的质性方法,对世界和中国人口老龄化的历史进程、现实状况和未来发展作出描述,并对国内一些涉及人口老龄化标准、中国老年人口的规模和比例以及老龄化发展速度等方面的认识误区进行解释和纠偏。在此基础上提出一些有用的政策建议,包括“未富先老”的说法已经不符合当今中国的国情,现在应对老龄化的主要障碍是“未备先老”和“城乡差异”。


      Abstract: This article uses the qualitative method of literature research, aims at the historical process of population the ageing, in China and in the world the present situation and the future development, to interpret and correct some misunderstandings that related to the international population aging standards, the amount and proportion of China's aged population and the speed of China's aging. On this basis, this article tries to put forward some useful policy suggestions, including:the words of "getting old before getting rich" is not in line with China's national conditions, and the main obstacle to cope with aging is "getting old before prepared" and "differences between urban and rural areas".


