
    Reflection About the Construction of Socialist Theoretical System With Chinese Characteristics

    • 摘要: 中国特色社会主义理论体系是一个完备而科学的理论体系,具有鲜明的实践性、科学性、整体性、创新性、开放性和人民性。当前构建中国特色社会主义理论体系是其自身不断发展的内在需要,是巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位的现实需要,也是推动其武装全党、教育人民的本质要求。要从整体上扩展构建该理论体系的思路,积极构建出一个结构完整、逻辑严谨、具有开放性的较为成熟而科学的理论体系。


      Abstract: The Socialist Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics is a complete and scientific theoretical system,which is distinctively practical and scientific,with the features of integrity,innovation,openness and concerns for the people.Constructing the Socialist Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics is the internal requirement of its own development,the realistic need of consolidating Marxist guiding position in the ideological field,the essence requirement of arming the whole party and educating people.We need to expand the construction of the idea about this Theoretical System from the whole perspective,and construct a more mature and scientific theoretical system with complete structure,rigorous logic and more openness.


