Sustainable Development and Technological Innovation in Beijing
摘要: 首都经济概念要求北京市必须在高新技术产业领域取得快速发展,进而实现高新技术产业化。发达国家的高新技术产业的发展历程告诉我们,高新技术产业对环境的影响并不亚于传统产业。文章在探讨北京市技术创新与环境关系的基础上,提出环境治理与发展对策,从而实现北京市经济、社会、环境可持续发展的目标。Abstract: The concept of capital economy requires that Beijing must develop speedly in the field of high-and-new technological Industry, and then realize the industrialization of high-and-new technology. The development experience of high-and-new technology in developed countries tells us that the effect of high-and-new technological industry on environments is as bad as traditional industry. On the basis of exploring the relation between the technical innovation and environment, this artical puts forward the measures of environment renovation and economic development so as to realize sustainable development in Beijing.