
    Study on Service Chain

    • 摘要: 现代社会已经进入服务型社会,服务的作用日益明显。文章把服务业抽象为“链”,总结了链的形成、特点和服务过程,并应用相关性指标模型对链上“节点”关系进行推导,为确定是否成为链的关系提供理论依据,最后应用模型对北京市汽车服务业进行了实际应用。


      Abstract: The society is stepping into a service era, when service becomes more and more important. This article abstracts the service business as a chain, and summarizes the forms, traits and the service process of the chain, illustrating the relationship of the 'point formation' in the chain by some relative indexes, as a theoretic support and in the end applying the model onto the Auto Service industry of Beijing.


