Sad Life and the Praise of Death: The Misery and Life Consciousness in Xu Yunuo's Poetic Prose
摘要: “五四”时期的河南文人徐玉诺,不仅在其诗文中展示了家乡底层百姓受官绅欺压的社会现实,还描绘了他们在土匪横行乡间的凄惨生活。作者在直视底层民众苦难的同时,进而思考了人生存在的意义,用诗歌、散文、小说呈现对人类生命存在方式的观照与反思。在领悟到生命存在的诸多荒谬之后,徐玉诺直面死亡对于苦难人生的意义,由揭示生命的种种苦相过渡到对死亡和坟墓的由衷礼赞,用死亡来完成对底层苦难生活的彻底解脱和对污浊人间不平现象的最终解构。Abstract: Xu Yunuo, a literati in May 4th period, from Henan, wrote and described the social reality of the lower class people in his hometown oppresses and exploited by the local authorities and recorded theirmiserable life in the country caused by bandits. The author observed the real life and at the same time thought deeply about the meaning of the existence, expressing the reflection on the way of human life by his proses, poems and novels. He wroteabout the meaning of death to themiserable life And revealed the different kinds of hardships in life and showed respect to the death and graves, for the suffering life of the lower class can be completely freed from and the social inequalities can be deconstructed by death.