Dramaturgical Theory Enlightenment to the Discussion of Social Work in China: Discussion on the Form and Nature of Social Work
摘要: 研究立足我国社会工作的基本经验和发展现状,采用实证研究的方法,从教育和实务2个层面,对我国社会工作论述进行实证分析,发现我国社会工作发展中存在专业本质模糊及论述情境缺失的双重盲区,导致参与各方难以达成共识。对此,社会工作者在专业实践中,要加强对专业本质的认知理解,提高对应用处境的洞察意识;在论述传播时,要基于受众熟悉的经验和习惯的语言,采用交流探讨的方式,结合特定的实践场景,积极建构“特定时空处境下的社会工作”。Abstract: Based on the dramaturgical theory and the developing experience of the social work in China,the paper studies the form and nature of the social work and the effects of the education and the practice on different people.Communication science theory is the basic theory in the paper.The paper proposes the logical expression and strategy of China social work practice in different situations by way of narration and empirical study.