
    Several Recognitions on the General Situation of Population Security

    • 摘要: 人口安全属于非传统安全概念,在我国人口安全已经出现严峻态势。讨论了人口安全概念及其与国家安全的关系。人口自身发展的安全基本上属于结构性、周期性的人口安全问题,基于研究文献梳理了我国人口与资源环境、经济社会的关系,并得出了若干判断。最后指出:维护和促进人口安全需要凸显以人为本、全面协调、可持续发展的原则,在协调人口与发展的过程中需要妥善处理好6组关系。


      Abstract: Population security is not a traditional definition of security. Chinese population security has already been in a worse trend. The paper discussed both the definition of population security and the relationship between the population security and the national security. The security of population development basically is one of the structural and periodic population security problems. Based on the literature review the paper got several judgments through analyzing the relationship between the population and the environment, resources, society and economics. In the end, the paper pointed out that in order to maintain and improve the population security the principles of people oriented, overall coordination and sustainable development should be emphasized in the coordinating process of population and development. The coordinating process includes six kinds of relationships which are the relationship between the population size and population structure, the relationship between the male and the female population, the relationship between the young and the old population, the relationship between population at present and population in the future, the relationship between family population and society population, the relationship between the population inside the area and outside the area.


