The Analysis of EU's TBT to the Trade Between China and EU
摘要: 对中国产品出口欧盟受到的技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)进行了分析,指出欧盟是最先意识到采用TBT和目前设置TBT最多的国家集团,在中欧贸易平稳发展的同时,欧盟为保护自身利益设置的技术性贸易壁垒已成为中国出口的最大障碍。认为动态博弈理论能够为欧盟设置技术性贸易壁垒提供理论依据,同时技术性贸易壁垒对双方都产生了双重影响,并且这种影响是弊大于利的。Abstract: EU is TBT pioneer and has the most TBT measures at present When the trade between China and EU developed steadily, EU puts up TBT to protect its benefit .And it has been the biggest barriers that China will face in the export to EU. Dynamic game theory can provide a theoretic base for EU setting TBT. Actually TBT has two-faces effects on both sides, and abuse of TBT is bound to be more negative than benefited on either side.