
    Decrement and Reproduction of the Administrative Publicness in the Period of Transition

    • 摘要: 公共性是现代政府的元属性,在公共行政中凝聚着服务、公正、责任、民主、开放的价值内涵。我国在社会转型过程中政府公共性出现了衰减现象,损害了政府公信力与合法性;政府自利、职能不清、效率偏好、公权异化和责任缺失是导致公共性衰减的根源,成为构建服务型政府的路障。政府公共性扩大再生产的主要路径是树立人民至上理念,弘扬公共行政精神,强化公共服务责任,完善公共治理制度,拓展社会公众参与,努力构建人民满意的服务型政府,走出中国特色的行政文明之路。


      Abstract: The publicness is the meta-characteristic of the modern government,which embraces the service,justice,accountability,democracy and openness.At present,those factors which rooted in the government self-interest,vague position of the government functions,efficiency-oriented reforms,the alienation of the public power and non-democratization in public governance,lead to a declining trend of the government publicness in the transformation.To avoid diminishing of the publicness,the basic paths are to establish the concept of people first,to carry forward the spirit of public administration,to strengthen the public service functions,to improve the system of public governance,and to expand public participation.


