
    Natural Science as Power:On Rouse's Interpretation of "Power is Knowledge"

    • 摘要: 科学知识和权力之间关系的传统理解模式蕴藏着彼此的外在性,知识独立于权力运作而获得认识论的地位。作为科学实践哲学倡导者的劳斯批判了科学知识和权力的对立性,他一方面立足实践解读科学,将科学实践视为科学知识的源泉;另一方面展开科学实践的权力之维阐发,形成了“权力即知识”的理解模式。这一模式为他批判性地评价科学提供了新的理解视角。


      Abstract: The traditional interpretation of the relationship between knowledge and power is exterior to each other and knowledge is independent on the power to obtain the status of epistemology.Rouse as a Philosopher of scientific practice criticizes the opposition of power and scientific knowledge.On one hand,he interprets the scientific practice as a source of scientific knowledge from the dimension of practice;On the other hand,he endows the scientific practice with the power which forms the mode of "power is knowledge".This model for his critical evaluation of science provides a new perspective.


