
    Research on the Replication and the Simulation of the Organizational Routine

    • 摘要: 针对当前研究倾向于将组织惯例看作一个“黑箱”的现状,尝试对惯例的复制活动进行解释。首先,从习惯的角度对惯例进行了重新界定;其次,从复杂性的角度对复制的条件进行了补充。成功的复制需要满足4个基本条件:因果关系、相似性、信息传递和复杂性。复制的关键在于复制过程中需要形成某种机制,使得复制对象的某些复杂性能够被保留。最后,运用元胞自动机对惯例的复制活动进行仿真研究,基本结论如下:对惯例运作所依赖的显性或隐性规则的识别是惯例复制的关键,即使规则存在细小的模糊性,也会在复制活动中扩大,进而破坏复制结果的稳定性。若规则是明晰的,由于企业自身禀赋的不同,往往会产生新的惯例。


      Abstract: The current study tends to treat the organizational routines as a "black box", this paper tries to explain the replication activity of routine; First of all, re-define the routine from the perspective of habit, and one condition of replication is added from the angle of complexity; Successful replication requires 4 basic conditions:causality, similarity, information transmission and complexity. The key of replication is to form a mechanism by which the complexity of replicated objects can be retained during the replication process. Then, we use cellular automata to simulate the replication process. The conclusions are as follows:the key of routine replication is to identify the explicit or implicit rules. Even if the rules have little vague, it will expand in replication activities, and then undermine the stability of replication. If the rules are clear, new routines will be formed because of different endowments between different enterprises.


