
    The Feasibility Study on the Cooperation Between the University Technology Zones and the R&D Centers of Multinational Corporations

    • 摘要: 开展大学科技园与跨国公司R&D中心合作的可行性研究,总结以往大学科技园与跨国公司R&D中心合作的经验教训,旨在为我国大学科技园与跨国公司R&D中心合作提供可参考借鉴的途径、方式和相关政策。研究表明,大学科技园坚持扩大对外开放,吸引代表世界最先进技术的跨国公司进入大学科技园开展研发合作十分必要,既符合国际发展潮流,又符合大学科技园自身研发需要。我国大学科技园与跨国公司R&D中心合作具有可行性,国内各大学科技园对此应给予足够的重视。


      Abstract: The purpose of carrying out the feasibility study on the cooperation between the university technology zones and the R&D centers of multinational corporations,summing up the experience and lessons learnt from the cooperation in the past is to provide the approaches,ways and relevant policies,which can be used for reference,for the cooperation between them.The research shows that the university technology zones should insist on the opening to the outside world.It's necessary to attract the multinational corporations which are the representatives of the most advanced technology in the world to enter the university technology zones and cooperate in research and development. It accords with not only the trend of the globalization,but also the need of self-development of the university technology zones.It's feasible for the university technology zones in China to cooperate with the R&D centers of multinational corporations and the importance should be attached to it.


