
    On the Relative Independence of People's Bank of China

    • 摘要: 回顾了西方央行独立性理论,指出了中国人民银行的相对独立性,阐述了相对独立性的基本含义、基本内容、必要性及保持其相对独立性应坚持的基本原则,提出了中国人民银行保持其相对独立性应正确处理的五大关系。


      Abstract: This paper reviews the theory about the independence of central bank of west countries, points out the relative independence of People's Bank of China, elaborates the basic meanings, content and necessity of the relative independence, and the basic principles which should be stuck to for keeping the relative independence, and finally proposes the five important relationships for People' s Bank of China to handle in keeping the independence.


