
    From Dependence to Independence:The Change of International Policy of European Socialist Parties

    • 摘要: 二战后,欧洲社会党的国际政策经历了依附美国、走向独立和面向世界3个阶段。欧洲社会党之所以根据变化了的世界形势,不断地改变和调整其国际政策,基本目的就是为了维护本国的利益,为本国社会、经济的发展创造一个良好的国际环境,以赢得更多公众的拥护。


      Abstract: The international policies of European Socialist Parties have experienced three stages after the World War two: attaching themselves to The United States, tending towards independence and facing to world. What the European Socialist Parties constantly changed and adjusted their international policies based on the changing world condition is to protect their own benefits and to create a favorable international environment for the development of their society and economy, so as to gain the people's support.


