
    Defining the Backgrounds of Ecological Politics and Harmonious Social System

    • 摘要: 考察了“生态政治”与“和谐社会”两者间的关系,指出一部分研究存在着系统背景划界不清的问题:无论是把“生态政治”看作是“和谐社会”的子系统,还是相同层次上的兄弟系统,都将使建设社会主义和谐社会具有不同的理论向度。认为生态政治是社会通向和谐的必要路径。


      Abstract: Harmony is supposed to harmonize and share among the elements of the system. At present, there are some problems of vague delimitation in a portion of research. Considering “the ecological politics” to be a subsystem of “harmonious society” or regarding the two of them as brother-systems on the same level will lead the construcion of harmonious society into different theoretical dimension. So there is no time to delay for defining the backgrounds of the two systems. By means of studing the ,very two backgrounds, the author proposes ecological politics is the necessary road for the society to reach harmony.


