Study on Three Hot Spots in Service Trade
摘要: 对西方和中国学者以及WTO有关服务贸易的定义进行了分析,指出了其中的缺陷和争议之处,并从服务贸易和商品贸易差异的角度,对比较优势理论在生产要素等8个方面进行了修正,进一步阐释了服务贸易的性质和理论原则,在立足中国服务业发展现状的基础上,提出了重构政府管理体制,走放松和改善行政管制的改革之路。Abstract: Firstly this paper analyses the concepts of service trade of Western and Chinese scholars and WTO, and points out the defects and controversial issues in their viewpoints; Secondly it a-mends the traditional comparative advantage theory in eight aspects in order to explain better the character and theoreticat principles of service trade; Finally it puts forward the suggestions about reconstructing the government control system of service trade and creating a more loose and comfortable environment.