
    Ideologies of Deng Xiaoping on the Reform of the Political System

    • 摘要: 从社会主义政治制度的自我完善和发展,政治体制改革的目标、原则、方法和评价标准以及总方向等方面论述了邓小平关于政治体制改革的思想。指出邓小平关于社会主义政治体制改革的思想是一个相当完整的体系,是邓小平总结党在长时期内领导人民民主政治建设的实践经验的基础上提出来的,应当在新的历史条件下学习、坚持、运用、发展这些思想。


      Abstract: This thesis discusses about Deng Xiaoping's ideologies on the reform of the socialist political system from those aspects such as the system's self-improvement and development, the purpose, principles, methods, assessment and the general or ientation of the reform. It points out that Deng Xiaoping's ideologies on the reform of the socialist political system have formed a complete system and have been concluded on the basis of the practical experiences of the long-term leadership of the China Communist Party on the construction of the people's democratic politics. It is necessary that those ideologies be studied, preserved, applied and developed under today's new social circumstances.


