On Intellectual Property Protection of Universities in the Development Strategy of Innovation-oriented Country
摘要: 探讨了当前高校知识产权保护的现状与问题,指出创新型国家战略是我国面向未来的重大战略选择,高校作为知识生产和技术创新的重要生长点和辐射源,是培养高层次创新人才的重要基地和国家创新系统的重要组成部分,研究和思考如何加强高校的知识产权保护,加快实施高校知识产权战略直接关系到我国创新型国家战略的构建和实施。Abstract: The development strategy of innovation-oriented country is our country's facing future important strategy.Universities produce important growing point and radiation source with technological innovation and knowledge.Universities are important bases to train high-level innovative persons and important components of state innovative system.How to strengthen the intellectual property protection of universities and how to step up the intellectual property strategy of universities has direct relation with the strecture and implementation of our strategy of innovative-oriented country.