Network Positioning Strategy: An Integrated Three-dimensional Framework
摘要: 针对企业战略管理的灵魂--战略定位问题进行了研究,探讨了企业网络定位战略研究现状及其缺陷,在此基础上构建了由参与广度、合作伙伴和合作方式组成的企业网络定位战略三维框架,并分析了影响广度设计、伙伴选择和方式安排的不同因素。Abstract: This article first reviews the status quo and the inadequacy of the research on corporate network positioning strategy, the core of strategic management. It then puts forward a three-dimensional framework for corporate network positioning strategy which consists of the degree of involvement, the partners and the pattererns of cooperation. Finally it analyzes the various factors involved in the three parts of framework.