
    Action of Cooperative Principle on Body Language

    • 摘要: 通过对体态语在会话过程中作用的分析,结合Grice合作原则,提出了适用于会话互动中运用体态语的四项准则:质的准则,量的准则,相关准则和方式准则。运用四项准则,将有利于准确地理解和使用体态语,会大大地提高会话者在会话过程中的互动作用效果。


      Abstract: With the analysis of the role of body language in communication,and study of Grice's Cooperative Principle,this paper proposes four maxims fit for the use of body language in communication interaction:maxim of quality,maxim of quantity,maxim of relevance,maxim of manner.Understanding and using body language effectively will improve the interaction in the communication.


