有序寓于无序 有形化于无形——论金斯伯格《嚎叫》的生态之维

    Order in Disorder and Institutionalization by De-institutionalization:On the Ecological Dimension of Howl by Ginsberg

    • 摘要: 《嚎叫》一诗是二战后美国垮掉派文学的代表诗人金斯伯格本人以及整个垮掉派文学的代表作品,内涵丰富,在不同的阐释维度之下,焕发出多面的光彩,而生态美学则是众多可能的阐释维度之一。生态美学秉承海德格尔存在主义哲学破除主客二元对立的哲学取向,力图在人与广义环境之间建立平衡的和谐的关系体系。生态美学勾画了一种有序寓于无序,有形化于无形的生态主义未来范式,而这种范式在金斯伯格名篇《嚎叫》中得到了反映。


      Abstract: Allen Ginsberg, a brilliant pioneer in "Beat Generation" literary movement in the US, enjoys forever the honor brought by his masterpiece Howl, which is a representative poem both of himself and of the whole " Beat Generation" literature. Rich in connotations, the poem shows various significances, when put in different interpretive modes, among which ecological esthetics is one. Inheriting the philosophical tendency in Heidegger's existentialism, which disintegrates subject-object binary opposition, ecological esthetics attempts the systematical establishment of a harmonious and balanced relationship between humankind and generalized environment. Ecological esthetics predicts an ecological mode of the future marked by " order in disorder and institutionalization by de-institutionalization", which finds manifestation in Howl.


