
    Research on College Students' Entrepreneurship Education System Based on Demand Orientation

    • 摘要: 大学生是实施创新驱动发展战略和推进大众创业、万众创新的生力军,如何提高大学生的创新精神和创业能力是高校人才培养面临的重要课题。文章通过问卷调研的方式,深入了解大学生对于创业过程的基本认识,梳理出大学生对于创业知识的切实需求,从管理与技术相结合、课堂与实践相结合、学校与社会相结合及跟踪与反馈相结合4个方面,探索构建基于需求导向的大学生创业教育体系,促进“以创新促进就业、以创业带动就业”在高校层面的具体实施。


      Abstract: College students are the vital force during the implementation of innovation driven development strategy and promotion of public entrepreneurship and innovation, thus, how to enhance their innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability is major issue for higher education now. This paper deeply studies their basic understanding about entrepreneurship through questionnaire survey, and their true need on related knowledge, and established the College Students' Entrepreneurship Education System based on demand orientation, which include four combinations such as management and technology, lesson and practice, college and society, tracking and feedback. Finally, the strategy of “promoting the employment and entrepreneurship through innovation” is carried out on the level of college.


